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Caring for the Caregivers: Respite Care Program

Respite care provides temporary relief to family caregivers, ensuring that their loved ones receive proper care and stay safe in the hands of a trusted individual. This type of care can be offered in various ways, such as for a few hours or days, and can be provided at home, at an adult daycare center, or at a healthcare facility. The person offering respite care can be a family member or a professional caregiver, and the cost may vary depending on the situation.

Caregiver Jazz Night at Brightside Tavern in Jersey City

Act Now Foundation's Respite Care Program recognizes the intrinsic connection between caregivers and patients and emphasizes the equal importance of caregivers finding a decompressing activity. This program aims to create a secure environment where caregivers can unwind, have an enjoyable time, and engage in meaningful conversations with their fellow caregivers to help navigate their emotions. As part of this initiative, the foundation recently organized a delightful gathering at Brightside Tavern in Jersey City, featuring a dinner accompanied by live jazz music.

Act Now Foundation will notify caregivers who attend our support groups of future respite events through private channels as they are scheduled. If you are a caregiver interested in joining our weekly meetings, please call us at 201-721-6721.

What Makes Respite Care So Crucial?

Caring for a person with dementia can be rewarding, but it is also a mentally draining task. Primary caregivers typically reside with their loved one, dedicating around 24 hours per week to their care while also managing a full-time job. Additionally, 25% of these caregivers also have the responsibility of caring for their own children. This daily commitment means caregivers must overcome communication difficulties, adapt to changing personalities and behaviors, organize medical appointments, handle legal and financial matters, and address concerns such as wandering, aggression, and home safety. On top of this, caregivers need to face that, unlike other diseases, dementia does not improve over time despite one's efforts. Understandably, these circumstances often result in burnout, causing a decline in physical and mental well-being and ultimately impacting their ability to provide quality care.

Act Now Foundation caregiver jazz night flyer


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